Here's how you can do it in a snap!
<center><table border="1" width="250"><tr><td><marquee><a href="YOUR LINK" target="blank"><img src="YOUR IMAGE URL" width="125" /></a><a href="YOUR LINK" target="blank"><img src="YOUR IMAGE URL" width="125" /></a><a href="YOUR LINK" target="blank"><img src="YOUR IMAGE URL" width="125" /></a><a href="YOUR LINK" target="blank"><img src="YOUR IMAGE URL" width="125" /></a></marquee></td></tr></table></center> |
Substitute your info for everything in RED
NOW- play with changing the look!
NOW- play with changing the look!
WIDTH: how wide the marquee is
CHANGE TO <marquee width=50%>
Add TEXT between </marquee>AND</td>
DIRECTION: The direction the marquee scrolls
Change to <marquee direction="up"> (down, left, right)
BEHAVIOR: what type of scrolling
SCROLLAMOUNT: how far to jumpHSPACE: horizontal space around the marquee
VSPACE: vertical space around the marqueeHEIGHT: how tall the marquee is
LOOP: how many times to loop
BGCOLOR: background color (Find an HTML color code generator in Boost your Blog/Resources)
Using these commands, and some basic html (tutorial), HERE is my new slider! Go ahead---->Click it!
Oh wow! I am so trying this for my blog! Question: (u know I'll hv a question!) When you say to input our image and link - is this link to the blog post where the image is? And the image: does it have to be in something like Photoshop or can you somehow point to an image in your blog? And if it is an image in your blog, where do you find the link to the image? You know I am a newbie and a pain! Thank you for your patience with me!!!
Sorry not Photoshop but Photobucket...
Very cool post! I had no idea it could be this easy.
Hey Maria! You get the link to your image in Photobucket. Just upload the ones you want to use! You can link them to whatever you like. A post about something, a page, external...You name it!!
Thanks Kimberly! I was pretty psyched when it worked!
Does this slow down your blog? Are all the links actually on your blog like a picture of text link? I think the answer is yes right? Very helpful!
Please email me with the answer if you could at Stillblondeafteralltheseyears@gmail.com
the slideshow shouldn't slow the blog any more than several sidebar buttons would, and YES- the links are actually on the page, and count towards your link and image count!
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