Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A little assistance for our heros

We all see the news stories almost daily, about a member of the military coming home, or sadly NOT coming home. I am sure we all feel the same teary eyed gratefulness for their sacrifice, as we see their children hug them after a long separation. This time of year, the stories are even sweeter as they surprise their children at school.

I good friend of mine's husband did just that. He came home and his daughter didn't know about it until a school assembly one day, and he was the show!

Something we do not think or hear about, however, is the difficulties they are facing once they are back. Imagine having to find a home on a whim, in a rush, and in a new city. This is what my friend is facing now that her husband is back, and I got all warm and fuzzy when I found out about  VA Refinance.

This is a program that helps members of the military and their families get a good rate, or refinance their current loan so that after their long time away from their families, they can come back to a HOME.

I just wanted to take a moment to thank our soldiers for their sacrifice, but to also thank their wives and children for theirs. It is hard to be a single mommy, and harder to be without your Daddy. 


  Cindy Andrzejewski Owner, Cute-Ecakes
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