Thursday, January 19, 2012


Posted by Heriberto Fuentes

I love to watch Rachel Ray on Direct Star TV in the mornings. When I first starting hearing about her, her voice drove me up the wall. She has a very loud and strong presence in a room. When I started to watch her show a couple of times, I realized that I actually really liked her. She is very down to earth and is exactly the kind of cook that I like to be. My favorite thing that she does on her show is introduce a meal that can be cooked in thirty minutes or less at the very end of the show. Being a Mom and really strapped for time, these recipes come in handy. They are not very difficult, don’t require a lot of prep, and don’t require a bunch of expensive ingredients. Usually I can make everything from whatever I have in my cabinets and pantry. My kids and husband always love everything that I fix from Rachel’s show and website. The coolest thing about her website is that it will actually print off a shopping list with the recipes that you collect, very cool!

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