Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Sea Pirates, by Giovanna

It isn't unusual that my daughters, I'm sure like most others, doodle and color their way through every sheet of paper in my house. I don't get to use my printer anymore...

But I digress. This time, I was so impressed with my eight year olds work, that I just HAD to share it with you, and introduce you to our new mommy daughter project!

This came about as things usually do around here...keep them busy with a project so I can....UGH...clean a different kid. Giovanna decided to write a real book, and I began humoring her when I sat down at the end of the night to read it.

Together we read it to the 4 year old, Luci, and it read JUST like any other book they have! Now crazy ideas me, told her that we were publishing that sucker!

First her story, then the plan!

The Sea Pirates -Chapter 1: Helping

Although I have skipped several illustrations, the ONLY changes that have been made, are spelling and punctuation.

In 2011, Princess Sienna the mermaid was sad.
"Why are you sad?" King Bob said, and the princess replied.
"People have been disappearing! I think it is the Sea Monster!"

Well, well, well...We MUST do something! Somebody go get the Sea Pirates!

"Sea Pirates", said Princess Sienna, "People have been disappearing, can you help us?"

They replied, "That's our job ma'am!" and invited the Princess to come along.

So they were off to the Sea Monster's cave to help all the people, and the monsters name was Norm.

2 days past, and the Sea Pirates had their swords waiting the WHOLE time. Suddenly, they saw the Sea Monster.

Good new is, the Sea Pirates always have a plan

The Plan

As is implied by the title, there are indeed additional chapters. It is important to Gia for me to say that this is a series, and to please not that Princess Sienna changes outfits, and hairstyles often :)

  • Scan her images
  • Clean them up with Gimp
  • Combine her clean images with typed words
  • Off to Kinkos for a professional binding!

I think this is an INEXPENSIVE way to make more of your child's show her that not only can you do anything you want when you grow up, but it is never too early for achievements!!

Gia's book will be available for the Christmas Giveaway and Donation Event 2011. Several blogs will be coordinating to give away some awesome cash and prizes, and raise money for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, and Toys for Tots.

For St Jude's, we are hosting a "Decorate for GOODNESS Sake" art sale. This is a project created by my daughter where-in she and her classmates sell their artwork as cards and prints to benefit charity. Last year, she raised $400 for the Oncology and Hematology inpatient unit at Women and Children's Hospital of Buffalo. Check out HER media coverage :)


Kimberly Gauthier, Dog Nutrition Blogger for Keep the Tail Wagging said...

This is so very neat. Love love love her name, first off, and love love love her imagination. How proud are you? And I love that you're promoting her book. This is so adorable.

AO said...

what a wonderful project! it benefits everyone! all the best c",)