Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Chicken Salad with Candied Bacon Apples and Cheddar

Or otherwise known as the BEST chicken salad EVER!
Oh my gosh I am going to make this recipe over and over again!!! I only had a few leftovers to use today, and did NOT feel like kid food. AGAIN. always....

1 large chicken breast, saute in butter and dice
1 apple-diced
6 oz. Cheddar (block- this is about a 2" square- diced)
Bunch of fresh parsley- rough chop
5 strips of thick cut bacon
1/4 c brown sugar
1/2 c mayo
1/2 Lemons juice

Put bacon strips on cookie sheet, and bake at 325 for 10 minutes. Flip, pepper the heck out of them, and sprinkle with brown sugar. Continue to bake for another 10 minutes, or until fat has rendered completely. Set aside on a paper towel to cool, and then chop.

Mix remaining ingredients, and salt and pepper to taste.

Serve in a wrap with mixed greens for a hearty, satisfying lunch!

  Cindy Andrzejewski Owner, Cute-Ecakes
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Karen Greenberg said...

Ok, I am SO making this recipe soon- maybe for dinner tomorrow night! This looks fantastic.