Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Boost your Blog with Buddies

I just wanted to let you all know that I completed the new forum, and I would love for you to link up!

Forum for Bloggers

I've created a few links to start off with, but here is the jist of this thing!

In lieu of hops, we will have clubs for each branch of

social media

Alexa- to share reviews, and clicks! **MUST install Alexa toolbar to participate!**
Klout- Join in keyword targeted twit chats, and RT groups, and trade +K
Facebook- Trade likes, comments, and shout outs
Twitter- #FF #RT and spread the love
StumbleUpon- List your posts here. Stumble others posts.
Giveaways- Link up your giveaways, find and share resources where to list them
Connections- Share and search for review and company connections, List your affiliate links and more!
Media Sharing- Have something really special going on that needs a boost? Golden rule applies!

Additionally, we will have topic groups. Have at it, anything and everything. Emotional support, vent, help and more!